Dabbler with fingers in lots of pies, most of my experience lies with UX/UI, digital and graphic design.

Despite that, the projects that catch my eye the most are the ones that are creative, playful and with a focus on positive change. I like to blend together that creativity and UX expertise, resulting in beautiful but functional, playful designs.

Awards & mentions

Creative Conscience Award Winner

Awarded for my final major project, ‘SØSTER’ Magazine; a smart magazine that challenges stereotyped ideals of women and beauty, empowering instead of setting unrealistic standards.

Featured on The Dots

Profile featured several times on The Dots Curated People page, whose curators make sure to select members that have projects that are inspiring, rooted in a good cause or aesthetically spectacular.

Fred Spurr Award Winner

For Creative Communications, awarded by Arts University Bournemouth.

My values


I'm always drawn to projects that have a positive impact on the world, so please get in touch if that sounds like something you've got to offer.


I find the best ideas arise when I get to be super creative and get my hands dirty - from print making to marbling, even if it needs to come back to digital - it often brings out the best outcomes. If it's not something I can do with a client, I'll be doing it on the side.


Sounds dull but this is my UX side coming out, my pet hate is design that isn't usable. When design gets in the way of function, it's no longer able to serve its purpose.

Continuous learning

Think it's important to keep learning, it brings out new parts of yourself you didn't know existed. I like to experiment with new projects in my spare time, using Skillshare classes. Currently I'm having a lot of fun with Procreate on my iPad.
Interested in working together? Love to hear from you.
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